Personalized Message on Clark’s Truck Center Sign (corner of Rt 15 & Browns Trace Rd)
$50. Donation to Charity – Please contact Randy Clark at: [email protected]
Vintage Photo Booth Camper

Vintage 1968 camper for your guests to enjoy outside!
Ice Cream Sundaes
A sweet wedding treat. We offer ice cream sundaes for your wedding day!

$5.00 Per Person
Vintage Trucks
Rent this 1931 Model T Truck for a vintage flare!! $200. for 2 hours. Rides included.

1955 Chevy Cameo Wedding White vintage pick up truck. We will drive the bride to the ceremony with her dad and pick her up after the wedding. The truck will then be left in front of the barn for photo ops. The truck is spectacular!! 300.00 fee

Decorative Sap Buckets
Great gifts! Painting on an authentic Vermont Sap bucket

$75. Each
Ice-Cream Room PHOTO BOOTH
2-Person photo booth in the ice-cream room! Available for all guests to use the entire event day & evening! Unlimited photos!
Non-staffed booth, and guests click a button to start their own photos! Fee – $350.
T Shirts & Hats

$12. Each
Vintage Tractors
For a rustic and authentic feel, rent a tractor to be on site at your wedding as a photo prop! Wonderful for pictures! (Tractor is on site as a photo-prop only)

$150. for 3 Hours – Tractor and Buggy Included
Authentic Milk Cans
A great anniversary gift! Each couple has a milk can on site for their wedding with their names artistically printed. To take your milk can home, buy it for a wonderful commemoration!

$65. Each
Original watercolor painting from local artist Sandy Hawkes!
$150. Each